Thursday 28 August 2014

Wo die Welt mich hinverschlagen hat...

Hey my dear ones,

as all of you probably know, I am at the moment in Zimbabwe doing a social voluntary project with Dzikwa Trust, an organisation, which supports orphans and especially orphans, who have lost their parents to Aids. Dzikwa Trust was founded by Oili Wuolle and Seppo Ainamo and at the moment they are responsible for 390 children. If you want to know more, you should check out their website Zim-orvot ry or the facebook page: Zimbabwen Aids-orvot ry/Zimbabwe Aids Orpans Society

Right now I am living at Seppo's and Oili's house, which we all call Pagomo, with their two cute babies(dogs) Mikko(lively) and Esko(lazy). Mikko adores Fetch (usually with tiny sticks so he can't find them anymore) and War of Tag, whereas Esko prefers to spend the whole day on the sofa and be scratched ... until a car drives by, then he jumps into action and beats every dog in the neighbourhood in barking the obviously ill-meaning passers-by into retreat. So you can see, to my eternal surprise I have mutated into an absolute dog lover.

And here my cuties: Esko and Mikko - both doing their favourite things.

At Dzikwa Center in the town area Dzivara Sekwa one then can find Oili's and Seppo's other children, who belong more or less to the homo sapiens race ;)
The kids of Dzikwa range from four to twenty-four years old and each of them has gotten the chance to go to school, because of Oili and Seppo. In addition, they receive a hot meal every day, they can participate in social, cultural and sport activities and they get other kind of opportunities and support such as finding further education possibilities and the really important medical support, which we would believe as guaranteed in the Western world. If you asked any child here, you would always hear and see that all of them are deeply grateful and happy for the chance Dzikwa has given them. Or as the mother of one child said yesterday: "God bless you, Oili and Seppo!"
I am incredibly lucky and happy to be part of this great team running the small and big tasks that make this a well-organized and very helpful NGO.

Also the kids here are lovely and very welcoming so that you pretty easily find yourself part of a game or helping a learning group. That's pretty much what happened in my first picture in this blog. I was about to comfort little Spale (Spalencyia) in the blue dress, when suddenly five little girls were braiding my hair =D
By the way at Dzikwa Center, you can also find two cute dogs waiting, called Dooris and Rex. 
This game is called "Tag of Hair"-who can do the tightest braid? XD

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