Saturday 11 October 2014

Lion and Cheetah Park

The outing was planned for Tuesday, but then because of a robbery! it couldn't take place, so we all were very lucky, when Seppo suddenly decided on Wednesday that he wanted to go and see the park with us. The park itself is located really near to Harare and only a 20 minute drive from Dzivara Sekwa away. It is mainly meant for driving through with a car and you definitely shouldn't have the windows open, because otherwise you have to close it in panic, when something like this happens. That ostrich was seriously less than a meter away!

So first we went to the part, where the Lions live and as it was a seriously warm day, they were all doing what they do best: lying lazily on warm rocks. The Cheetah's had by that time already been returned to the wild as they can manage very well on their own by eating rabbits and other snacks of that sort. In comparison, a lion is far more dangerous, simply because they are so lazy. At this point they will go to any human settlement and beg for food and if that doesn't work, well the human without any food becomes food.

Here is the King of the Animals.   

                                          An impala

Next we visited a large area, which looked like we imagine the Savannah, filled with peaceful herbivores. The ostrich won't be forgotten that quickly! Then we also saw some monkeys and two different species of antelopes (Impala and Kudu in Shona - equal to the names of the houses on Sports Day). In my opinion the Impala look more delicate, while the Kudu are bigger and probably also used to harsher conditions.

Here is our little Pumba at the water hole, but to be honest wart hogs look far better than Gnus, which means translated "wild beast".

I neither should forget to tell you about the really pretty Zebras we saw - these stripes just look amazing and think about it, the fur has to change its colour in a straight line. How does the hair know that it has to be this colour? And of course my beloved Giraffe, which was just showing us the way, when my camera run out of power ='(

That's why you will have to wait, till you get to see pictures of me and the amazing turtles, we encountered later in the part, where one can actually walk.
The turtle Tommy is apparently around 300 years old and also rather big, especially compared with the little baby turtles we were allowed to hold. They were tiny and soooo cute - I named mine Caroline.

After that we still got to see more lazy lions, including white lions from South Africa, somehow they remind me a lot of teddy bears, don't ask me why. Plus, they are smaller than one thinks, but then one looks at the size of a paw and suddenly the muscles make up the size very easily. We also encountered Jackals, Hyenas and Alligators.

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